Cultural: School is starting in Poland soon!
Here in Poland school starts on September 1. However, this year because September 1 is a Sunday, it will start on Monday, September 2.
I was at a few stores this week and I noticed school supplies on half price.
I bought some of these notebooks - they are just writing paper.
I did buy some of these to be used when we visit our churches back in the states (whenever we do) and we are with the children in children’s church - we can use these to give away - the kids in the US are thrilled to get something like this. I’ve been able to pick some up this week half price, so that is great. I’ve tried to get things that will cost less than 50cents to give away.
Most of these cost me only 25cents! I wish they had some with folk designs, but alas, not this year. I know the girls, especially, get really excited when we give away something like this as a prize.
I think school supplies are almost the same the world over, with some small tweaks as to types of crayons, colored pencils, size of paper, etc.
I know most of you all who are reading from the USA have already started school. Back when we used to live up north, school always started the day after Labor Day - every year. However, due to all the holidays and the need to have 180 days a year, school seems to be starting earlier and earlier.
Tbe ones I bought all had this cross hatched designs for the writing space. This is something that is different here. The smallest children do learn on straight lines - but then once they get older, they tend to switch to this graph type design to write on.
Our kids aren’t home anymore, as you all know. Our youngest graduated from college several years ago now and our school-aged granddaughters are in Florida - a long ways away!
Here in Poland they start on September 1 and have school until the third week of June. The kids will have school pretty much all the time this first semester. Second semester it does feel like they are having holidays every time you turn around but between now and the end of the year it is a period solid time of study.
Our children all went to Polish elementary school and this is our local one.
When they first started attending, it was an ugly gray - but then they painted it a much more interesting colorway and it has been interesing ever since.
I wanted to take this moment to share with you a few of the school fabrics that my sis has for sale in the store right now.
Be sure to check them out if you need them! The price is fantastic!
All of the ones I’ve featured are only $6.99/yard!
Just click on the picture and it will take you to the fabric.
And that’s all I have for you today!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
Thanks for coming along with me on this journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.