We're at AQS Quilt Week at Daytona Beach, FL
Rachael and I came along with Kathrine, to Daytona Beach to set up our booth and try to see if we can sell some fabric and another things to the quilters who have come to the quilt show this week.
When Rachael was asked to consider it, she forwarded the question to me and asked if I could plan on helping her that week—if we weren’t already scheduled somewhere.
And we weren’t, so I wrote it down on my schedule and told my husband about it and asked him to leave it open for us so I could help Rachael. You see, Ken and Rachael have the fair goings on as well, and someone had to stay back for that.
So, that’s how I got to go to this!
So, rather than make this a complete post about the week, as the week is yet young, I thought we’d share just a few pictures to whet your appetite about what is happening here this week. I’ll write a more complete series of posts after the show is over - when I have time, and a better place for summarizing and dealing with the technicalities of it all.
Here we are setting up at the convention center. We had a nice sized booth and had hopes to be able to hang several quilts that we had quilt kits for.
Then this time we decided to specialize in yardage - single yards - and backings and more backings!
There were lots of various types of vendors that we saw. Here’s the direct link to the vendors that is on the AQS website. It’s not what we saw, however - as these are more of the area places.
So we are very busy this week, thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.