Progress Report on the Granny Square Top

I did write this one ahead of time….because currently we are in Daytona at the Quilt show and will be there all week. Because of that, I’ve had to write these blog posts ahead of time as I simply won’t have time to do them as I go.

But I wanted to give you a progress report on the Great Granny square quilt top.

I had hoped to get half of the top together - at least that many rows.

I did begin sewing them together. I put together a LOT of rows, but didn’t get half of the top together.

I simply ran out of time and energy before Daytona.

But these rows are very pretty!


I’m starting to fall in love with this top-in-progress now - and I may just finish the top and take it back to Poland with me.

I do want the finished quilt in Poland with me, so that is probably what I will do, but we’ll see. If one of my kids fell in love with it, I MIGHT be persuaded to give it away, but it would have to be one of my flesh and blood. This has been a tremendous amount of work!

(But I love making Granny Squares and could do it again.)

However, the one I want to make next with Granny Squares is a half drop block version. Like this. I do want to do it with the small 1” finished squares just as I’ve been doing with the current one. I think it is amazing as well.

I’m learning to try to think about that “half drop block” version of my Electric Quilt program more - as it does create some interesting looks - different from the regular setting or even the on point setting.


So, I will let you know that I did “almost” reach that goal of getting it together, but didn’t really. I have some of the sashing strip pieces sewn together and ready to trim to 1-1/2” strips. But I’ve not done that yet.

Then the fun starts. I will press the rows that I’ve gotten ready and start putting them together. That last stage is the most fun as the quilt top grows, row by row. This is going to be a beauty!

Anyway…Rachael has been keeping me busy at the store and here at the house doing other things. But I’m working hard at getting my own things done!! Having to sew like this has certainly helped me understand those who are working a regular job and still have time to sew/create. It’s not easy!

Thanks once again for coming along with me on this journey.

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

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