A Big Project - in Progress
I found while in Poland that when I had an unusually large project and found myself foundering a bit, I decided to commit by writing a blog post about it and that usually spurred me on to making sure I was at least making a tiny little bit of progress every week or so.
I started a rather large project - a king size top - for my daughter in law and son. They got a new mattress and their old quilt was simply too small. As it is, it’s not a rather large queen size quilt (because we are using it right now). I’ve gotten used to having about a 95”x95” and not an 86”x something longer quilt.
Anyway, Jessica herself chose the fabrics, so that part was super easy for me. Also, it was easy because she chose a very easy block. This is the block she wants.
It’s a variation of the quilt called Scrappy Islands that I made not too long ago.
And this is the quilt top she will end up with.
At least that is the plan.
Since I’m not making the progress I want to make, I decided to just start writing about it.
I do have all the centers cut and have put at least one side of colorful fabric on most of the squares.
They are here.
The next step will be to cut more 2-1/2”x4-1/2” strips in the cream, finish up the sewing both sides of the center square and press. I’ll try to do that by next report.
Jessica herself chose the fabrics. It made it a lot easier and faster for me to get started since I didn’t have to decide on fabrics.
This is for the outer border. It’s a Stonehenge piece.
Then, I need to start sewing the colorful rectangle and cream rectangle together, end to end. I’ll need a lot of those. I don’t want to start sewing those, however, until I get the centers all ready so I can do it ‘all the same’.
I’ve been trying to sew, sometimes after long days helping at the shop, and it is difficult to have the energy to do. So, sewing itself has been falling by the wayside, except as needed for Rachael.
So, in the night, while thinking about how I wanted to get this top done by the end of January - I decided I would commit to sharing progress.
So now you know. I’m trying to get these blocks done in between other more pressing sewing projects. However, we have a long-armer here who will quilt our projects and they easily do king size quilts, for what I understand. So, I want to get the finished top to her before too long.
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
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