Mid July Garden Update
I saw a lot of growth in my zucchini plants and yellow wax beans.
My pole beans once again seem to be taking forever to grow tall. I’m keeping a closer eye on them this year than last. What happened is last year they had long green beans on them and I didn’t even realize it! This year I’m weeding them better than last year and am watching them more often. They are a different kind of pole bean than I had growing up - these are a very, very long, skinny green bean - measuring up to 12” long. But last year I neglected them and didn’t realize it til it was almost too late. They just grew and grew and I almost missed them because they were so camouflaged with the plant itself.
The tall beans are the ones that are the bright green. I’ll be sure to weed these this week - even if it is very hot. I had been weeding either one hour or a half hour every day until it just got too hot for me to handle.
I got out on Monday am and pulled the weeds from right around the plants.
My zucchini really started growing because this last week was very warm and the plants had plenty of water and heat - both of which they love.
My first harvest was on Thurs - July 11.
Then on Friday I picked more.
Then Saturday I picked these.
On Sunday I took these to church to share with everyone there. They could take what they wanted. As of Sunday morning I had harvested 29 zucchini - in three days. I do have 21 plants, however, so I will have a lot, I believe, if the weather holds.
I started picking the zucchini - of which I only planted green this year. I guess I am sorry I didn’t plant both yellow and green, but I remember that I had to force myself into the garden to plant this year as during April/May I just felt so poorly between that virus and/or allergies- of which I think I had both, so it is probably a miracle I planted as much as I did.
The beans came up poorly. I think I had 8 plants grow from that first planting. However, they are starting to produce. Probably will attempt to pick on Tuesday so we can eat some!
I did plant more seeds in areas where they didn’t come up and planted a whole new area.
My pumpkin plants are also growing very well. This year I planted mostly just sugar sweet (pie pumpkins) and the little decorative ones - the Jack Be Little. They charge about as much for one little decorative one as they do for a much larger pie pumpkin here.
So, this year I have planted them around the base of the whole fence line and I’m hoping I can grow them all over the fence and they will be so pretty come September when the little pumpkins are ripe and bright orange.
The corn is looking great! I decided to just not worry about it (danger of cross pollination) and I planted two kinds. One is a bicolor (yellow/white) and one is all yellow. The corn that is taller right now is the bicolor at the moment, I think.
I do have sunflowers growing. The ones that came up on their own are nice and tall.
The others are growing. Probably they are different types/heights. We’ll wait and see what I have when they start blooming.
So that’s all for now. I definitely didn’t plant as many pumpkins to grow all over the garden this year.
Last year it was so hard to walk anywhere that I decided since I was going to plant only the smaller ones, if they grew towards the center of the garden, there would be plenty of room to grow.
Oh, I planted some hot peppers very late. I somehow doubt I will get anything from them. Here is one of the plants. I have four of them.
So there’s my garden report.
I need to get back out there and weed rows again. I’d been keeping the big areas cleaned out but I actually enjoy doing the rows where the plants are as I always feel like it’s a big sigh of relief to them to get the weeds out of there.
Oh Wait.
My flowers by the house. Here they are on the back patio. I have a very modest area back there this year but for me since I didn’t feel full of energy back then, I’m glad I did as much as I did.
Here are the hanging baskets on the metal hanger my husband created for me.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this little show from my actual plants here in Poland.
Let me share with you three garden themed fabrics my sis has. If you know or are a garden lover, consider getting some of these!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.