Quilted Twins 2024 Challenge Quilt!
It’s a first for us: Quilted Twins 2024 Challenge Quilt
The Challenge: Make up something beautiful and unusual with the fabrics in The Official 2024 Challenge packet from Quilted Twins. It’s a mystery, a surprise and a contest, all in one! The goal is to make something fun and useful. The challenge is to keep it to the fabrics in your packet!
None of these fabrics are included. This is just a nice pile of pretties with question marks on it!
Make up a quilt, or some other quilted project using the contents that are in your Challenge Envelope. (There must be at least SOME quilting on it, with quilting being defined as a top, a bottom and some kind of batting/flannel/wadding in the middle and they must be stitched together in SOME way.)
The project should remain as much a surprise to those around you and/or the staff at Quilted Twins, as is possible. To make it more fun, do not share progress, and let’s surprise each other upon completion.
The Challenge starts June 1 and will conclude on July 31.
To participate, you must purchase the 2024 Challenge Quilt Packet from Quilted Twins. It is available for just $25. Get it HERE!
Projects, projects, and more projects
Each person will receive one panel and 5 half yard pieces of fabric in your packet. You may drop one fabric and add one other fabric, but you must use the panel in some way. You must use 4 out of the other 5 fabrics in your packet in your project in some way.
Please use at least half of the fabric. You may purchase MORE fabric if you do not have enough. The SKU numbers will be available in your packet, if you find that you wish to purchase more of any of the 5 half yards or even another panel.
Please make the longest side no larger than 75”. We want you to be able to use this, but we also need to be able to hang it for judging if you’re local.
All entries must be 100% completed. No half or mostly finished projects will be judged or eligible for prizes.
We plan to have two different judgings. 1) In person and 2) online.
We will ask the locals to bring their items in to the fabric store or those who wish to mail their item to us for in person judging.
We also will accept clear, high resolution photos for the online competition. Photos must be at least 1500 pixels on the smallest size, so we can enlarge them and still see the project clearly. Email photos to: customerservice@quiltedtwins.com by July 31.
We need to have all entries here by July 31, 2024. If you ship to us, ship by July 24. That should get them here by the 31st. Please ship to: Quilted Twins: 13829 US Hwy 98 ByPass, Dade City, FL 33525.
Quilted Twins will name three winners in each of both judgings: First place: $150 gift certificate to Quilted Twins; Second place: $100 gift certificate: Third place, $50. You can only win one prize. If we get enough entries we may subdivide into more logical subdivisions.
There are NO RULES other than the ones listed. Quilted Twins will decide the winners based on use of materials supplied, and the practicality, usefulness, craftsmanship, creativity and beauty of the entry.
There will be no bonus points for hand doing anything (piecing, binding or applique). This project is about getting the fabrics, finding something to create and getting it done. The goal is to get your project done neatly and on time.
All decisions will be final. Quilted Twins is not responsible for lost or damaged entries that come through the mail.
We are so excited to offer this, our first ever CHALLENGE quilt project.
Won’t you join us?
Get your fabric bundle here!
Join the fun! Exercise your creativity!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.