Summer Mix
From now through the weekend it will be warm or quite warm (up to 92F) and it gets very warm in my sewing room. I could escape to the long arm room but haven’t done that yet. I’ve been trying to work in the garden for an hour a day and today I got up at 6 am to get my hour in before 7:15 so it was cool enough that I didn’t mind doing it.
That’s crazy! That’s like Florida.
I sound like an old lady when I do that! :)
Anyway, I told my husband I wanted to iron this afternoon as I want to get a certain quilt top together tomorrow and I have to first finish all 144 blocks - the pressing. I am pressing this particular group open and it is much, much slower than just pressing to one side.
I set up the ironing board outside and thankfully there is an outlet outside that I can use for the iron.
I just have to be careful that things don’t land on the ground.
The heat is making me a little less enthusiastic about doing much of anything.
And you know what?
That’s okay.
It’s okay to take some days slower than others, right? Especially in the summer?
I have both euro cup games on my screens as I write this. Let me show you. Oh - it’s not a special website that I had to pay for - it’s just one called tvp sport. Maybe other people could get it, I don’t know? Anyway, when Poland played, I couldn’t get on to the website as it apparently was overloaded and maybe we crashed it temporarily? Not sure. I gave up on the second game when Poland played. It was an evening game and people were home from work. The first game I could watch because it was at 3 pm.
It’s absolutely pouring as Slovakia and Romania play their soccer game. Oh my. At least it’s not baseball. I don’t REALLY care who wins. On the left is Ukraine vs. Belgium. It’d be nice if Ukraine won, but they probably won’t. I think Belgium is a better team.
Poland has already been eliminated. It’s mostly just so I can know what’s going on. I actually have the sound off on both of the games. I actually like knowing what’s going on in the world, but am not a super soccer fan, so this is good enough for me. :)
One more thing. A couple of minutes ago I just saw a note from someone in Ukraine who just got a quilt set from us. I’ll post it here. No photo attached though. :( We are pretty sure some of our contacts are still handing them out. We swamped some of them with so many quilts that we know that they were saving some back so as to distribute them to people who truly needed them.
They sent it a few days ago now…10 days in fact!
Let me share her note with you. After all, without YOU ALL, there would have been no quilt sets.
People send me these notes via Viber, so that’s cool. I don’t often get these notes anymore, so they are pretty special when I do get them!
And there you are. Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Thanks so much for coming along with us on this journey!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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