Sewing on the Road
Thankfully Rachael was willing to loan me her tiny Brother little portable machine!
I’m so grateful.
I had brought some pieces for a Lori Holt quilt based on a tulip block. In fact, I had cut it all out except for the white. I figured I could get white in Florida.
Anyway, I also brought some bags of scraps that I had already created since arriving in December. I wanted to cut them into 1-1/2”x2-1/2” strips and 2-1/2” squares for some rather small projects I wanted to do from scraps.
So, the day I’m writing this is the first chance to work on these types of projects “on the road”.
I did bring my 18”x24” cutting mat and a few rulers PLUS this little Brother machine, my scraps and a few books, etc. We’ll see what I forgot.
I also picked up a very small iron before leaving - one that will fit into the sewing machine case and a mat that folds up that can be ironed on. So, hopefully I’m set.
But We are on the road and I’ll catch up more next time. Until then I’ve got to go.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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