What am I seeing and doing?
We are now at our next stop and I wanted to share with you where we just came from.
My son and his wife are helping with Selah Ministries - a non profit counseling ministry located near Gaston, SC.
Here are a few pictures from it.
The big house on the lake is the main place where people can stay.
We were able to go for a ride around the lake on a golf cart. I’d never ridden a golf cart and it felt like a very Floridian thing to do. So I did that while in SC.
They have a shooting range there. :) No, neither my son nor his wife have used it.
Jessica, Daniel’s wife also took me to a quilt shop in Lexington, SC, but I didn’t take any photos. She thought it was very cute and I wanted to see it and see if there were any precious things I needed to take home with me. These are the only pictures I took while there. I wanted to show them to my sis.
We also went to a fun gift boutiquey type place and a garden/bird feeder type shop with some locally made things like honey.
We were able to go out to eat a couple of times get in an almost accident where someone came inches from side swiping us - right where I sit. I’m glad Mike is a good Nascar driver, and swerved so he didn’t side swipe us and neither did Mike hit the car to our left.
Sometimes people drive in a crazy way. We were minding our own business driving straight ahead in our lane and someone to our right decided to pull out of his lane and go around the car in front of him and in doing so, almost pulled out into us (specifically me!). Thankfully both Mike and the driver to our left were very aware and we avoided actually making any contact with anyone. Phew. Our hearts were racing, however. We were going to go to church after eating out and all I could think was, “No, we don’t have TIME to have an accident as Jess has to be at Awana at 6:45!” (She’s a worker with the girls.)
But we are grateful in the end that it was a non issue and nothing happened except all our hearts were pounding very hard while the driver who almost caused it all raced away.
And there you go. More in tomorrow’s post. I’ve got a few more pictures to share about other things.
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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