Watch out for the weather!

I’ve been hearing about a huge storm heading our way (we are currently in Indianapolis, IN). Today we had things we had to do/see all afternoon and evening. I got to sew a bit in the meantime - part of the morning and before lunch, but this storm has been on my mind. During the day today we heard a storm siren - we think it was a tornado siren - possibly in a trial run as it was very loud and in the whole area.

As such, it has made me think about ‘weather’ fabric.

Let me share with you a few that we have in the store. I think fabrics that feature rain or storms, or even the sun, are interesting.

Here they are.

How about you? Is the weather where you are okay? Anyone having snow? Bad wind? Rain?

We are going to drop 30F in a day…but then it will gradually get warmer again.

Have you used weather fabrics in quilts?

I have - especially the ones with rain - as the sky fabrics in some of my house quilts or house blocks.

I don’t have my hard drive with me to show you them, but take my word for it - I have. :)

In the meantime, on You Tube Ryan Hall keeps everyone up to date on the weather if you are looking for a good weather person.

So, stay safe and I hope you get to spend some time sewing!

Til next time. Thanks for coming along with me on this journey.

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