I squeaked in a couple of pillowcases

Today was a busy day here in Indianapolis, but I was able to squeak in cutting out and making 2 king size pillowcases to give my son and DIL to go with the quilt that is being quilted now.


It’s this one.

Anyway, Jessica said they have king size pillows, so I had to look up what size they are. No, I’ve never used such a long pillow, but I figured that the pillowcases just had to be about 10 inches longer than the regular pillowcases.

So here, I am working on it.

Jessica had already chosen the fabrics, so that was taken out of it. I’ve been carrying around the fabric with me this trip and decided today was the day to make them.

We had a meeting this morning for over 2 hours and then later in the afternoon, we headed off to check out something else here in Indianapolis.

So, I cut them out this morning, and then started working on them shortly before the meeting.

Then, I pressed the trim strip - the black one - and went ahead and made it.

The fabric is mostly Stonehenge, along with the black we have in the store in Florida.

One thing I do which is a big different than most, is that I do go ahead and and sew all along. I know all the videos say to just clip all the layers and sew it in one swoop. However, I will freely admit that doing that made it stressful because sometimes one of the fabrics slipped. So, I just sewed each one separately and then it was a piece of cake.

I did use French seams and once finished, the final pillowcases look amazing.

I do sew down the trim so that upon washing, the fabric doesn’t start to wrinkle up and need ironing. This way the top stitching holds down the trim strip. I also top stitch the top of the cuff so that it will stay in place as well.

So, while the project was quick and easy, I did feel a sense of accomplishment. :)

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.

Put away in their packaging so they can make it safely back to Florida to be united with the quilt they go with.


Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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