Did the weather affect you?

Where we are currently - we got a lot of rain on Saturday afternoon -and a sort of mini flash flood that didn’t exactly hurt anything - at least where we were - and for which we are immensely grateful.

We did not know what was going to happen, naturally, and are thankfulful we didn’t have any tornadoes in our area.

But rain, we did get.

Others in Indiana had some bad winds, but thankfully, that wasn’t where we were.

Our daughter is in AL and they had to go to a shelter for a few hours. Thankfully they and their Airstream we were okay and they were allowed to return home early Saturday morning.

But let me show you the water in this little creek that rose fast while the storm was coming to an end.

Then a couple hours later this is what it looked like. In the first two photos below I’m standing on the bridge that is in the first photo above. In the third photo I’m standing where my husband was standing in the third photo above.

1.5”x2.5” rectangles and 1.5” squares

I hope you are all okay as you read this. I didn’t have any time to sew or quilt today but I did have some ladies at the church where we were want to see my quilts. So, I took along a couple of things I’m working on and showed them my Clemson quilt that I gave our daughter, Lydia, for Christmas and we are taking to her next week. In the meantime, we are carrying it around for her. :)

So, that’s my update for today.

One good thing - yesterday I pretty much got caught up on scrap cutting.

2.5” squares

I had brought with me a nice big bag of scraps I had been creating - and decided to deal with them on this trip. Some of the fabrics ended up getting folded and will eventually go back into a stash, but many of the smaller pieces were cut into 2” and 1.5” squares and a lot of 1.5”x2.5” rectangles.

I now have two very nice bags of those pieces - I threw the 1.5” and 1.5”x2.5” into the same bag as there aren’t many of the small squares. So there’s that. I don’t have a scale to weigh them, but the bags are pretty full. I will get back with you on that.

Becky Petersen1 Comment