Let’s talk Corey Yoder - Moda Designer

I’ve never been a big follower of a certain designer or certain lines of fabrics. Instead, I tend to just like “some of this and some of that” depending on what I’m in the mood to make.

However, over time as I do look around the internet, a few individual designers have drawn my attention. When I find such a person I tend to make note of that person’s name.

For me, it was easy for me to remember Corey Yoder because we have had contact with people with the last name of Yoder. Doesn’t really matter why - the name Yoder was easy for me to remember so the next time I saw her work, I remembered it from before.


Also - please remember my background.

I tend to sort my fabric by color and/or theme - quite a variety of designers - mostly people I’ve never heard of, I’m sure, or just companies along the selvage.

I began quilting here in Poland and have never been tied in to any certain brand of fabric or designers. (Once I started quilting I started to even notice brands - I was blissfully ignorant in my previous life :) as I usually just judged fabric by how it felt/looked/weave - not by any name brand.)

I’ve been forced to use a lot of second-hand fabrics due to unavailability here as well as the high cost of the fabrics that are available. So, when I first started quilting, I really just looked at colors/designs and the designer was irrelevant. I mean, I knew of Thimbleberries and some older designers for Concord Fabrics/VIP from when I was a teenager.

Anyway, as time has come and gone and Rachael started the store, and our access here in Poland to the internet became easier (we had 4mb/s long after most people it seemed had at least 20 mb/s if not fiber optic), obviously I could learn more about various names in the quilting world.

Here are some blues on my shelves. Not too long ago I went through and made them all neat again.

One name I began to notice was Corey, as I mentioned. I remembered her name as I said, and I remembered that I liked a lot of what she did.


I began watching her You Tube channel this past year and noticed that she is going to have a Block of the Month Mystery in 2025 using one of her lines of fabrics that looks very pretty.

It will be called Cali & Co Mystery BOM. Corey’s mystery quilt will start in Jan. 2025. Corey will share FREE patterns every month along with video tutorials on how to make these blocks.


While you can make your quilt from your own fabrics, naturally, you can also get the fabric she is going to make it from and make a quilt like she does. Her quilts are really nice. They are. They are pretty - and appealing to the average person.

You can get her bundle of fabric that she will be featuring here. Rachael will also have the fabrics by the yard, but that’s after they come in, sometime in December.

Corey’s blog is found here - at Corianderquilts.com

Each month (at least lately) she’s been offering one of her patterns for only $5. Back a few months ago I bought her cat one (Purry Stars). I made the top and am getting ready to quilt it.

She has another cool one I almost got (and now wish I had) when I think she had it on sale - Wooly Stars - as a nod to my husband’s dad who raised sheep in Alaska.

However, I didn’t get it but I do like it. I think I had just made those Ohio Stars in the Purry Stars and wasn’t up to doing it again so quickly. Plus, Mike’s dad has passed away and no one has sheep anymore in the family so I wasn’t sure who to give it to or why I should make it so I passed. :) But I still think it is cute.

And NO, Corey hasn’t a clue who I am. I am just sharing a bit about her with you - those links to her patterns are just courtesy links so you can find what I’m talking about - not affiliated in any way.

Maybe you will like her style as I do.


Rachael did pick up some more of her fabrics and we already have some of her Christmas fabric in precuts. It’s so pretty! You can click on the photo below and it will take you to the page on our website where they are for sale.

Rachael will have more of Corey’s fabrics later in the year - and you will love it.

Corey has a You Tube channel and she puts out a video every week, usually. Here is one of her latest videos. You can see what kinds of things she does.


If you wish to participate with Corey and her 2025 Mystery - don’t forget to order now! We have a few bundle packs of her fabrics left.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on my journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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