Just a Short Chat

If you’ve read here you’ve probably realized I’ve not been at my best these past few weeks. It’s been so frustrating since I’ve wanted to do ‘so much’ but have had zero energy.

I decided that above all, I wanted to get a lot of the quilts finished, washed, dried, photographed and put in the van so that on Sunday I would have help taking up to the church building’s room.

And so I did.

My husband came back on Saturday morning and together, we got the quilts loaded in the van. He brought them out of the house and almost dropped them into my waiting arms and I put them in the van. That meant I didn’t need to go up and down the stairs and in and out the doors. It cut the time in less than half.

However, I took it all in to church on Sunday and just as predicted, I was able to get them all unloaded from the van in just 3 minutes.

I had to smile at the little boy who desperately wanted to help as well. He’s one of the Ukrainian children who attend.

I just stood there and took pictures.

These people took them inside the church building and up sets of stairs, and put them in the room!

Later I went up to the room to check it out. (I’m not restacking to make it neater.) I cleared off the end spot for the next set of quilts, Lord willing, on next Sunday. I decided this year I didn’t need super neat piles for pictures. Having a record of these is enough.


So here - it’s good to know that I have 60 of them at the church building and now only 50 more to take. I’ve put 10 quilts aside for a lady who has been waiting for them who is from a town about an hour or two away.

This is why I opt to get help on Sundays with all this carrying. The men are eager to help and it takes them no time at all.

And I appreciate it very much.

It is a balm to my soul and wonderful to have so much help with those younger legs of theirs!

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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