Time Change

In Poland we’ve already changed time - we did it Sun am (in the night).

I personally would love it if they would abolish it. A few years back they talked about it and when interviewed, most the people here in Europe they asked, said they would rather NOT have time change at all - leave it where it is as the sudden jump of an hour difference is hard for our bodies. Apparently even the European Parliament voted to abolish it back in 2019. But it had no effect as the inidividual countries have to decide as well (I guess that shows how effective the European Parliament is.)

After doing a bit of research, I’ve seen that while the people wanted to abolish it, apparently none of the governments actually have actually scheduled it.

So sad.

My husband is traveling right now in Central Asia anthey don’t have it there so while he’s been gone, we’ve gone from 4 hours different to 5 hours.

The reports I just read said that time change is actually not good for us.

What do you think?

Do you wish they would just abolish it now?

Just wondering.

I wish we would just stay the same - as our bodies can get used to shortened daylight hours more easily gradually, as the seasons change. The sudden change of an hour is hard for a few days as we all experience with difficulties in getting up or going to bed, depending on whether we “lost an hour” or “gained an hour”. For example, starting today (Sunday) we have sunrise at 6:22 am and sunset at 4:14 pm. Yesterday that was an hour later. (7:20 am/5:17 pm)

My research says that actually it’s pretty much just Europe and North American countries and a few others that practice it including Australia. Germany was the first to establish it.

The dates of the change vary by a week or two from place to place, but all of Europe does change at the same time and it varies from the US by one or two weeks depending.

This means we in Poland are this week, 5 hours ahead of EST or time on the east coast of the US. Normally we are 6 hours ahead.

Until the US gets theirs changed, I will have to keep checking, however, as to what time it is in Florida so I can make sure I call mom at the right time (I’m trying to call her at 10 am her time).

I was so bummed that they didn’t actually act on the abolishing it back in 2019/2020 - figuring it would have been the easiest time to do it - while many people stayed home - or had limited things going on - but they failed to act on it.

Anyway - what do you think? Are you so used to it that without time change, you’d feel lost or do you wish they would stop doing it?

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this.

Becky Petersen5 Comments