My Next Group of Hearts

I really did make a lot of hearts last year (2023) and wanted to get them all out in 2024, so you will get to see the next set up close. I think I messed up and only made this group 19 - even though I was trying for 20. I think I either miscounted OR there were a couple of identical ones that I didn’t get the photos right. I suspect I miscounted.

Here is the photo of the plastic tub which I’m working down. It was very full last year.

I will show you this time where I put them. I was so encouraged by hearing that they really helped some people in our area have a good day! They range from the shopping center parking lots or the woods or various posts where I can hang up things.

So there you go.

Thanks so much once again for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Becky Petersen1 Comment