Middle of September Garden Produce Report
The corn is finished.
We harvested 210 cobs.
I froze a lot of it and we ate a lot of it fresh. What I tended to do was that I would cook a big pot full of corn and then we’d eat what we wanted for dinner. We never could eat all of it since it was multiple ears!
All the leftover I took off the cob and put in the freezer. I had not done this before last year.
food for winter in my freezer
Last year I noticed when I took the corn out of the freezer and we had it to eat, it was so very sweet. It tasted like candy! It was unreal. It seemed like it had sweetened in the freezer. That was not what I expected.
So this year I did a lot of it and we will enjoy it off and on until it is gone.
It’s almost done. The last of the plants are suffering from Fusaria wilt. We have harvested 204 zucchinis. Almost all of them have been given away. We did pick up three today when picking some of the pumpkins.
That's one very big, and tired zucchini plant!
They are finished. Well, they are standing there. A few of them fell over and I cut off some of the heads.
I have started harvesting both the small sugar sweet ones and my Jack Be Little pumpkins. Last year I left the Jack Be LIttles on the fenceline until there was a frost, but someone else thought they needed my last 15 more than I did, so they took them. I decided not to let that happen this year so I’m bringing them off the fence line a few at a time.
And that’s pretty much what I’ve got.
I still have some hot green peppers to harvest and some yellow wax beans in the middle of the weeds. I have put some of them in the freezer - but not a ton!
But overall, the last garden post will probably be only showing my pumpkins after I’ve harvested them all - probably after the first frost when it is easier to find things!
I’m sorry this isn’t a more exciting blog post - but I felt like I needed to finish up with reports about what I got!
My garden this year wasn’t a huge success, but overall, I’m pleased with the corn results and other things I did harvest. My garden was a moderate success - considering how much time and effort I put in, I suppose it is fine.
I really wanted to work on sewing this summer and not work in the garden! I give myself permission to do that.
I admit to fighting with myself about it, but the older I get, the more I just want to do what I want to do with the time I have, but I know that working in the garden is really good for me - it gets me some exercise and out in the fresh air. (So does putting out hearts!)
I made a short video showing the pumpkins in all one 44 second video - so not very long.
Take a look!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Oh - we do have some nice pumpkin fabric at fantastic prices!
Here are a few of them! If you click on them the fabric should open in a new window.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.