Crumbs Project update - upcycled blues

I side tracked from all my ordinary strings/crumbs and have been focusing on the leftovers from my upcycled blues project.

With Christmas Eve and preparations for Christmas upon me, I didn't get all that much done.

But I did cut up the 2.5" off white strips for the sashing and put my nice big 20.5" blocks together. 

Then I added the inner blue border.

It's kind of lumpy there because it still has paper behind it - not the cream part, but the other part, making for a somewhat stiff quilt. I'm going to go all out and try to quilt this one with the paper left on, then I'm going to wash it and see wh…

It's kind of lumpy there because it still has paper behind it - not the cream part, but the other part, making for a somewhat stiff quilt. I'm going to go all out and try to quilt this one with the paper left on, then I'm going to wash it and see what happens. I'm hoping that when the paper dissolves, it should go right down the drain of the washing machine as it has to come through the fabric in order to come "out" of the quilt.

I also made about 320 inches of scraps sewn onto the outer wide almost 4" wide tape for the border. I need closer to 400" but I'm kind of tired of working on it so I'll leave it for next weekend.


But this is where it is now. I'm so close to finishing it up I may not wait til the weekend to do it! We'll see. It all depends on time and what the kids are up to - and what I'm up to as well!

I need probably about 80 more inches of scraps sewn onto the tape and I can make the crumby border and then add the outer navy border.  To help you remember, this is the plan:

layout newest.jpg

And yes, I'm actually very pleased with how this one is working out.  The nice wide off white sashings help give balance to the busyness of the crumb blocks/tape border.

So, this will be number 11 of my upcycled blues - as I've finished 10 so far - and I hope to finish this one up in the few days - after Christmas is all over.  It may be number 11 or 12, depending on what else I finish up first.

I'm still back working on the one that uses 3.5" squares. I kind of got off the trail of the other ones I have planned to work on a different one that took quite a while but I ended up loving it!  To be shown soon!

As of Wed. evening, I have 3 more blues tops that you've not seen yet.  Guess I'd best get busy writing some patterns!

Don't forget about the special promotion this week!  Be sure to check and see if there is anything you need from the store to get your free solid yardage as a thank you gift!  The promotion is that for every $25 you spend in merchandise from the quilted twins shop, you will get one free yard of all cotton solid - the color will be at our discretion but it will be something that coordinates with whatever you ordered!

Have a wonderful day!



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