"Jurek's Stars in Pink and Gray" quilt finished

I made this top earlier this year with a friend of mine in mind. She loves soft pastels.

Well, that’s not entirely 100% true. My sis had a lady come into the shop there in Dade City and she wanted to make up this quilt with pink and gray as a wedding quilt, if I can remember it right. The reason is irrelevant - but it made me want to make one. I also love those colors!

So I made the top and featured it in the blog back in May. That post is here.

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The quilt is very simple - but I have previously written up the pattern called simply Jurek’s Stars. There really isn’t anything to the actual block - it’s the sashing that “makes” the quilt. That pattern is here.

The 2 differences here are that I made it larger than the original one (queen size) and I decided to leave off the piano key border and use a plain border. I believe I made the right decision.

I had been uneasy about the piano key border every time I thought about it. I decided to “go with my gut feeling” and leave it off. I felt a bit like I was cheating, as a plain border is ever so much faster than a pieced one. But in the end, I’m very glad I did.

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You can see the stars make up the pattern! the blocks are simply big squares. I used 10” squares so you could use your “Layer Cakes” if you wanted to!

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I quilted it with curls and swirls.


The backing!

Since this isn’t an upcycled quilt, I used a new duvet cover - to make this backing!

Since this isn’t an upcycled quilt, I used a new duvet cover - to make this backing!

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Yes, I do like it. No, I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. My husband wouldn’t be thrilled with it on our bed - we are using the one I called Show Off!

He really likes it. I’m not about to switch to a pastel quilt!


Anyway…I just had to make it!

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Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store!

Becky Petersen2 Comments