Thank you all for the tops!
While I was in Florida, my sis pointed me to some tops that people had sent! Thank you so much for all of those! They will be targeted to finish in 2021. This year I’d like to finish up the ones I already have here in Poland from previous groups that have been sent to me!
But while I was in the states, we got three boxes that had been held back because of the virus here in Poland. For whatever reason, they decided to not deliver boxes from the USA - from March. Finally they brought two boxes from Fran in August. Then, more recently, a third box arrived from Fran in Arizona. Fran is an older lady who lives in Mesa, AZ and has taken us on as her personal project. She and her daughter came for a visit probably 15 years ago now! She got to see a lot of the children’s homes and things we are doing. Her husband has roots in this area, so she has a great heart for the people here!
I opened the boxes - here are the tops that she sent. Some are large - for couples - and many will be for singles/children.
There were a total of 26 small ones and 20 large ones!
The small ones will become this - I will add some borders around the outside so they they are a European single size.
What Fran has done is cut all her fabric into 4.5” squares. She then makes a simple Around the World design for my center. If it is a larger quilt, she combines 4 of the smaller ones together. They are wonderful as well - and when I finish a lot of the big ones they will be the “first to go” in our give away!
Anyway, I’m blessed. I’m getting ready to start to tackle the charity quilts for this fall. I heard the weather is going to change starting this weekend - it will be much cooler. This is when I tend to do most of the quilting - when it’s cool.
The smaller tops are on the left - and will become a 60”x80” top. The larger ones are on the right and will be a nice queen size when I’m done quilting. I usually add a solid colored border around the outside to make it that size that makes it perfect for a larger bed.
I was able to give away about 20 of these to a special group home for deaf children in our area way back in March. At that point the children had all gone home due to COVID, but my contact and I drove there - the same town as our organization (Otwock) and we were able to give them quilts. All of them were of the style that Fran makes me!
I know that several of you sent tops to me in FL. I will be getting those and dealing with those in 2021 as I said - simply because I have enough to finish up for this year.
This is the pile of quilts we gave to the deaf kids school. Many of the kids “board”. They told me anything was helpful!
The school gave me this full page thank you note. I wish I could pass it on to Fran! :)
I don’t mind having extra, though, as it helps me know I have plenty to finish up for the next year! It’s exciting and I love the variety that getting quilt tops from a diverse group of quilters gives me. The biggest thing to remember is that if you give a quilt top, you have to have patience - but it will eventually be finished and distributed. On this end, there is only one who is doing the quilting, so I have to set limits for myself, or I’d put myself in the hospital!
I so appreciate all the tops - it is always fun for me to check out what other people make! And one thing I’ve learned in this whole process - “Beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder!” What one person falls in love with may do nothing for me. But there is room for everything/every design here!
And there you go! Just a little something from over here in Poland!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
41/43" wide
Local quilt shop quality fabric
Chelsea - Beehive and Bees on White
by Northcott Fabrics