Picked the Pumpkins!
Today my goal was to get to pick the pumpkins. For whatever reason I was quite tired today - possibly I overdid it yesterday with all that sewing! I didn’t think I had - but maybe I did.
But today Mike and I picked our pumpkins. Now this is one of the little pleasures in life. This year, like so many other things, my pumpkin growing experience was just “different”. Our May was cool for May and they didn’t get going quickly - nor did even a lot of the seeds come up back in April.
But I planted what I had. Two weeks ago when we drove in, I got a flash of some orange, so I was happy to see that. But I hadn’t been over there til today. In fact, I’ve not been off our property until today. Our garden is on the other side of the street - it is weird, but we have a split up piece of property and use the other side of the street for the garden since it is wide open with the exception of one beautiful oak tree which has flourished due to all the watering..
I planted sunflowers - two kinds - and pumpkins and zucchini. I plant the sunflowers for the birds, and the pumpkins for us and to give away. The zucchini - to give away and because they are great fun to grow!
Anyway…we harvested our pumpkins and put them beside the door. Now I feel like we have decorated for fall! Yeah!
One of these pumpkins is a Big Max and quite large. The others are simply ordinary size with one shaped like a Jack-o-Lantern style bigger than the rest.
My fall decorations! There were a few that we left in the garden that were green. They may or may not ripen enough to eat. Doesn’t matter. This is a good crop for this year!
I know that at least a fair number of quilters are gardeners - or at one time in their lives were. I’ve mentioned it before, but my sis and my maiden name is “Tillman” - and as such, we apparently have farmer blood in our veins. It’s just part of who we are!
I think I love the harvest so much that it has had a great influence on my “fall quilts” with these colors.
Remember them? They have become some of my favorites! The interesting thing about all of these is that they are from all upcycleds.
Looking at these autumn themed quilts has made me want to make up another one!
I trust you have a great day wherever you are reading this!
Colors may vary slightly from what is portrayed. Screens vary as well as our eyes sometimes see things differently, but we've made every attempt to have the color be accurately portrayed.
Price is by the Yard.
100% cotton
41/43" wide
Local quilt shop quality fabric
Chelsea - Beehive and Bees on White
by Northcott Fabrics