Got another Box from Arizona!

It feels like I just got one - and here’s yet another one! Fran, my friend in Arizona, USA who keeps sending me tops has been on a tear this year! She’s been keeping me busy! I mean, very busy!

Here’s what she sent me.

I got several large quilt tops - these are all doubles! Seven of them in fact!


Then I got some smaller ones - I will add borders to these until they are the single size I’m going for. I use these like panels. I have 5 of them!


Then she threw in some fabric I can use to add to these quilt tops as needed/desired.

The blue piece is at least 6 yards!  I’ll use it for borders for the tops Fran just sent!  The Hot wheels will also be very handy to add to the smaller tops.

The blue piece is at least 6 yards! I’ll use it for borders for the tops Fran just sent! The Hot wheels will also be very handy to add to the smaller tops.

I always feel like I’ve gotten Christmas presents when I get these boxes. Fran has really been busy! Seriously!

I’ve not even finished dealing with all the tops she sent me recently - the last box - and here I’ve gotten another one! And the one before that arrived just about the time she sent me a different one!

Fran also sent along some of the scraps that she seemed to use - or at least they seem a bit random. I’ll put them in with my strips.


Anyway - there you go. It’s amazing!

cost to send these tops to me!

cost to send these tops to me!

Fran did mention that she is going to take a break for a bit. I also asked her to hold off sending any more boxes until we get back from the states for my son’s wedding in May as I don’t know when boxes will arrive and don’t want them sitting anywhere outside or in a post office for up to a month!

She spends quite a bit sending these to us and I don’t want the contents to go to waste or horrors - have them sent back!

Thanks so much for coming on my journey with me!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

fran's box.jpg

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