Those Patches - He Loved them!

Everyone who has sent me patches to give Edek - thank you!

I finally got ahold of him again. I arranged to meet him at the church building when we went to take packages of quilts. That way there would be time to explain to him about all the patches I had received.

(I had tried to meet him at the white tent about a month ago now but he wasn’t there.)

In the end, he wanted to keep your letters as well - including the envelopes and stamps. I thought it was sweet.

Here are pics of what he got. We had quite a few for him. I think it was 13 total.

He’s a talkative man, so that was interesting. I didn’t think I could ever get away!

He wanted me to say THANK YOU very much to each of you who sent them!

Edek collects little pins, and metal badges from firemen as well as these patches.

If any of you happen to have any of these and wanted to send one to me, I’d be happy to get them to him. However, I am so grateful for all your contributions to this guy’s dreams of getting badges from the USA. We’ve done it! I feel like we’ve succeeded. I don’t feel like we need to give him pins or metal badges. :)

If you do send something like this to me - I’ll send you a piece of Polish fabric in return. I realized I had forgotten to send one of you yours - so I’ll get going on that!

Thank you so much.

In case any of you are wondering “What in the world?” - This guy, Edek was a volunteer at our local ‘white tent’ which is where we have a lot of donated goodies available for Ukrainians. I met him there and he was such an interesting person. He has been a volunteer fireman for 30+ years. He told me his dream was to have a fireman’s patch from the USA. Several of you have now sent me some. So, thank you very much! I don’t feel the need to keep giving him any, but if you want to send me one for him, you can find it on this blog post. I’ll get it to him.

But otherwise, I won’t belabor the point - I feel like we can move on.

Here are a couple of quilts from you all I’ve seen lately that have made me stop and say “Wow! I like it!” Ok, there have been a whole lot more than these, but here are three.

Once again - thanks for coming along with me on this journey! Have a great day wherever you are. Thanks also for your help in every way!

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