2022 Charity Quilts #81-90
I kept washing quilts over the weekend - even so much as to put on the timer so I would remember to keep going to the washing machine the moment the last load was done so I could pull the current quilt out of the machine and get the next load going. I did that because our weekend electricity costs less than half of what it costs during most of the rest of the week - at least during the day. Hey - when you wash 120 - that is going to save some $$.
I did kind of run out of places to dry the quilts as I’m trying not to use the dryer for that - mostly as a money-saving measure. Here they are spread out all over the living room.
The snow has made it a bit harder to get photos, but that’s fine. It’s December and we live in Poland. And quilts, after all, are bed coverings, are they not? So, it’s fine. It might better be, anyway, because it is what it is.
I decided to go take pictures at 11:30 am figuring it would be coming up on the warmest part of the day. Yes, it was but it suddenly decided to start snowing then as well - after I was about half done with taking photos. It made me laugh as I had asked my Google Home several times today if we were going to get snow. It always answered “No.” (Don’t always trust that thing!)
Once I got them all photographed, I had to lay them back out and let them dry again. This time, however, it was just some surface wetness.
Now that I’ve got a little pile actually starting to collect, I will take these to the church building in Otwock and put them upstairs where they can wait for a give-away or needy families.
I did see on my phone that I had a missed call from a lady named Dorota who has gotten quilts from me before the needy in our area. I’ll call her back after I get the next 10 photographed, so if she is asking for quilts, I can have more than just a few to choose from!
Even though these represent 90 quilts finished this year, we’ve been giving them away pretty fast and I actually only have about 17 or so (including these 10) that are available to give away. Once I get the other 30 photographed, then they are all available…but that simply means that we’ve been giving them away this year pretty much as fast as I’ve been finishing them.
I usually use this chair to set some quilts on while I take photos of the others.
Most of them have gone to Ukraine - but not all. A few have gone to local Polish families. I am not too picky at this point as to who gets them - just people who need them is all that I am looking for. Of course, I’d love to have a great selection so that next spring, we can have another give-away - but we’ll see how that all goes.
Anyway - the snow today made taking photos a little more chilly, and definitely more interesting.
Yes - this is snow on the black. I know it’s not very black at the moment in this photo, but the fabric at the bottom of this quilt is actually quite black!
Close up - of that last quilt
a cropped part of the photo above showing the same quilt as on the left
I do put one of these on each quilt before it is washed. I trim each label with a pair of pinking shears, but I leave them to ravel if they are so inclined.
Once again, with these quilts, we have represented tops that were donated by you all, a browns made by me, a couple from Ewa (the crazy ones) and Ewa’s mom who made some with centers where I added borders and even one from Fran in AZ! So, it’s quite an eclectic group of quilts!
Thanks so much for reading along and for those of you who have helped in this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading this!
And that’s it - have a great day wherever you are reading this! Thanks for coming along on my journey!
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