We Got Snow!
It’s been several years since we’ve had any substantial snow at all. Then yesterday and today, we got about 5”-6” in that short period of time. In our part of the country we don’t get a lot of big snowfalls - and the flakes are usually tiny, so it takes a while to pile up.
Amazing. Our stores have even quit selling sleds like they used to simply because no one needed them. Now suddenly there’s a run on them, no doubt, if anyone can find them. (Usually Lidl or Biedronka carry them at the beginning of the season - didn’t see them at all this year - yet.)
Here are some photos.

The last few years we have gotten almost no snow in December. The snow we have gotten has mostly been in January and February. However, this year, it looks like we’ve got some coming our way this week - which is fascinating - and a lot of work! Mike does the lion’s share of it, though. I don’t like driving in it so I try to stay in as much as I can - or at least til the roads are clear.
I did use my time this afternoon (after packing the trailer for Mike’s next trip to Ukraine) to cut the borders for the rest of Fran’s tops - the small ones. I feel so much better having this chore done - seriously.
I now tend to use a different fabric for the top and bottom outermost borders just to add interest.
For these little ones, I’m adding 5 borders meaning I’m using 5 different fabrics. Then after I get them cut, I roll them up together and put them in a bag. These will also go to the sewing room to work on when I get tired of doing my scrap quilts - which I’m still not back to yet. These things which have been hanging over my head for months now, have needed to be dealt with - and so the time was today to finish this group.
Ewa’s mom has given me a whole bag of the small tops as well (to which I need to add borders) but they are on hold til these are all done. Why? I just work better by focusing on one or two things - and not everything at once.
Well, I spread all this cutting out over several days - maybe three. Don’t remember exactly.
I just try my best to coordinate the borders with the tops as sent or given to me. Thankfully I do have a large stash and by buying all those fabrics a couple of weeks ago, I am really fine on all the coordinates. I have enough. There are a few tops here and there that I have to scramble for but I always have something that will work.
Click on the arrow to get to the next photo so you can see better what I mean.

And that’s it for today! Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!
Have a great day wherever you are reading!
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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