Unappreciated Fabrics - November

I know - it’s been a LONG time since I’ve done an Unappreciated Fabrics post for you all.

I know that Rachael likes it when I do, because invariably someone sees something they didn’t know we had. I also spend some time just perusing the site looking for unusual fabrics that you might find interesting as well.

I’m going to start - with some folk fabrics. I find them fun and usually quite pretty.

If you click on the photo, it will take you to the fabric on the site.

I thought that the idea of toys as a print is fascinating. They are so fun!

I asked the ladies who work there in the store to share with me some prints that they want to show us.

Rachael gave me these -

Jessica chose these - of course they feature plants :)

Sarah had these interesting ones -

And that’s all. Sorry I sort of went overboard on the folk ones - but I thought you should know that we have them available!

Have a great day wherever you are reading! Hope you get to sew today!

Feel free to browse the site.

Becky Petersen2 Comments