End of Season Pumpkins!

The other day we went to the garden and my husband and I took pretty much all of the pumpkins out of the garden except for a few left on the fence. Well, we did leave a few green ones that might ripen up if should stay warm enough.

The garden area is shaped like a triangle.

My husband took his pickup and we loaded them into the back. I’d been bringing pumpkins over a few at a time during September, but some of these were actually quite heavy - especially the flat green ones!

We put some of the Jack-Be-Littles and into crates along with some larger ones and added them to the display in the front of the yard.

The one little white one is a Baby Boo miniature. I only had one plant and only got a couple off of it. There is also a rather large zucchini, a couple of crook neck squash that don’t have very crooked necks, and one small sugar sweet pumpkin in this box.

Gathering them into one place before taking them to the truck.

Last year I got only 3 of these little beauties!!! I had longed for so many more. Well, this year, I got them! So excited about that.

I do have a count now on the pumpkins.

I have 33 pumpkins in the display in the front of the yard (plus a couple dozen very small ones - didn’t count the little ones in the crates).

22 pumpkins underneath the walkway area and 47 on the top of the landing.

And I have 15 pumpkins in front of the tent area (our garage)

Plus I’ve given away 9 so far. Let’s see - that’s a total of 138 pumpkins plus a bunch of very small Jack Be Littles. Maybe I’ll feel ambitious and go count how many are in the crates. So far I’ve not felt like doing that!

I didn’t get that many very large ones this year. I do need an infusion of more compost and organic matter in the garden again. Of course, I suppose I could have fertilized more than once. :) that would have helped.

But it is what it is.

The pumpkins are pretty much finished - simply because the vines have finished.

The squash and zucchini vines look pitiful as well. And I’ve not had the energy to keep up with the second planting. I guess I am just feeling like it’s fine if we don’t get as many now. God gave us seasons for a reason - so we can let one get finished and move on to the next. I know, I know. If you are in Florida, you can garden all year long.

So, it’s been a very good pumpkin year for my garden. And now that the weather has dropped 10 degrees from 80F to 55-70F for a high - well, it really does feel more like fall. The trees are dropping their leaves quickly now.

Now that I got a taste of what it looks like to have these little pumpkins all over the fence, I’m going to go for a whole lot more next time!! I love them on the fence line!

I also have some little Jack-Be-Little pumpkins that are on the fence that faces the big road - photos shown below. They are not as ripe and I’ve left maybe 12 on the vine so far - letting them ripen into a deeper orange.

These are on the front of the fence facing the large road.

Showing the difference in ripeness

Remember that pumpkin growing on the fence?

We got it.


I got the pumpkin that was in front of the fence harvested BEFORE they mowed—maybe the day before!

I showed you this in September. I was afraid I would lose it to the gov’t mower.

The gov’t finally mowed this area. But I got the pumpkin picked and moved to the display in the front yard before it became roadside pumpkin puree.

We got some Gloster apples off our young tree that we have. Delicious.

We are still getting cherry tomatoes. They look pretty much the same as before.

It’s October, folks. I don’t mind if the season ends now and we have to pull out all the vines and throw things into compost.

And with this post, this ends the season of the garden videos for the year. It’s been a wonderful summer/fall for us here in the garden. I will have to harvest my little hot cherry peppers. I’m planning on dehydrating them and putting them in a glass jar for future use in various things I might make. I might show that - but as far as the garden blog posts - for this summer - this concludes them

Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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