The push is ON!

blue 2.5” strips

red, pink, orange 2.5” strips

I’m starting to feel the end of the charity quilts. Oh yes, I have a lot left. But I know if I push myself, maybe I can finish in a few days. We’ll see if I manage to do it or not. I’m just so ready to have this behind me.

That would leave the rest I would do - as a bonus for the year. I do hope to do more than 120 charity quilts but I’m not going to stress if I don’t actually get to any more. In other words, possibly I could quilt them and not finish them. We’ll see.

Priority will be on getting the machine get set up to work with the computer.

Deciding to make all the bindings scrappy has possibly been the best decision! (Thank you whoever suggested it in the comments. I mean, I was planning on using my strips, but I am going hard-core scrappy on these!)

brown 2.5” strips

I’m using quite a few 2.5” strips.

I had taken several bags of what I had already cut and divvied them up by color. I did that during the Jigsaw puzzle championship in Spain in September.

While some of the sessions were going on, I just listened while I sorted into piles. I made bags of lights/low volume or just so colorful I can’t decide, browns, blacks/grays, pinks/reds/oranges, yellows, greens, blues and purples.


yellow 2.5” strips

Then, as I look at the next few quilts in the pile, I just take note and try to make up some bindings that will coordinate with the colors in that quilt. Of course, short pieces are more work in piecing, and then trimming and pressing, but they also make for a fun binding!


green 2.5” strips

Because the weather has turned a bit cooler, it does mean they aren’t drying quite as fast as they did even a couple of weeks ago since I do like to let them air dry. But as I can feel the finish, well, I’m like the horse going back to the barn!


So all I wrote the other day about only doing 4 a day due to trying to protect my wrists - that’s “out the window”!

However…the overwhelming need to get this project done is stronger than the concern about my wrist. :)

So far, so good. As I write this after two very intense days, it’s a sharp pain (that’s not too strong) between my shoulders and not my wrists that I’m feeling.

I’ve now got quite a pile of quilts ready to wash - let me show you.

There are a couple more in a different pile as well as one in the wash. Not sure how many are in this pile.

And these are the ones left from that very tall pile I had a while ago that haven’t made their way to the sewing room yet.

I did mention that this will be about 30,000 inches when I get done with them or - or about 1/2 mile of binding! That is a lot!


Just to remind you - this is the pile at the very end of August.

Thanks once again for coming along with me on this journey!

Have a great day wherever you are reading this!

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