A Call for Stocking Makers!
We just learned that an organization in Zephyrhills, FL needs Christmas stockings!
Kim Short, from God’s Share in Zephyrhills, FL came in to the store last week and bought quite a few yards of Christmas fabric in order to provide material for a couple of ladies who make stockings for their project.
I asked if we could ask and find out if any of our local people (or anyone else) would like to help with the stockings. We have plenty of time because we have until July 15.
I reached out to Kim to find out more about this project.
So here is the information.
The Stockings are for the “Project Help a Native American” which was started by missionaries Albert and Marie Skinner.
Stockings are made by various people and are eventually filled and then delivered to reservations in SD, ND, WY, MT, OK and other states. God’s Share in Zephyrhills provides 150 of these stockings (The overall project aims for 900 total).
God’s Share in Zephyrhills, FL, has participated on some of the stocking delivery trips in the past. Sometimes, however, they just send them to the organizers or delivery person who then takes them to the needed places. Some churches/groups make, fill and send them themselves, directly.
HOWEVER, I wanted to help God’s Share with their stockings or at least find out if any of you want to help make these!
According to Kim, they fill them with school supplies, a Bible, hat, gloves, small toys, toothbrush and toothpaste. All together, they put in 22 items in the ones they fill.
The lady that sews the majority of the 150 stockings for God’s Share is 90 years old. It would be good if we could give her some support in this effort. Obviously, every year it is harder for her to make them. Kim’s mom helps, but she is 78. We would love to support these two steadfast servants in their service to the children and parents where these stockings are delivered.
This is what they need:
Stockings made from Christmas fabrics that look like this:
There is no one pattern for them - but this is the size they are looking for.
28” top to heel
22” top to top of foot
13” across the bottom
14” across from back side (Achilles tendon area :)) to the toe.
Drawstring top of stocking
You could draft up a pattern for these large stockings.
They would love a drawstring top since it helps keep the small things inside during transit. It is not absolutely necessary, but helpful!
If you make smaller stockings, God’s Share can STILL use them as well for other similar projects. When Kim heard that I was going to ask you all to help - or at least see if any of you want to help- she was very excited. She said that “the more the merrier” and we cannot make too many!
The address for God’s Share is this:
God's Share Program
38303 North Ave
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
If you are local or come visit our Quilted Twins store and want to just bring them by our shop in Dade City, FL, we will make sure they get to Kim before or by the middle of July! Obviously if you are VERY local , you can just go drop by the store address in Zephyrhills and give yours directly to Kim.
Let’s see if we can help them!
So many of us have fabric - and more fabric — and often we are looking for great projects that will make a difference.
Many of you have helped us with quilts for Ukrainians - I knew you would love to help fellow Americans.
I think if you wanted to make a patchwork one from Christmas fabric, you could always line it. I do think if you use patchwork squares to make the stocking, you should do something to secure the stitching and blocks - so simple top stitching or something to secure the squares so if washed, the squares do not fray.
Would you like to help with these stockings?
Thanks so much for considering this! I’m remind you again later this year.
I did a quick google search and in order to help you get started, I found some free stocking patterns you could work from.
Here’s a page of links by Sewcanshe.com
Here’s another link by learncreatesew.com
Then I found several You Tube videos that show how make them.
It would be best to watch a couple of videos or look at the blogs and make a single one. Then adapt it to the dimensions they need. I think you could then be well on your way to making lots of stockings with no issues! :)
Thanks so much!
And, as always, if you need Christmas fabric, come on in to the store in Dade City, or order on line here.