Crafting On the Road
We are in the middle of driving from Michigan to Florida with a stop in SC. There isn’t any time at all to quilt, naturally, as the machine is packed away.
However, I did decide to go back to something I’ve done 40+ years ago and pick up crochet again.
I wanted to make some granny squares like I saw in Lori Holt’s book - I think it was one of the ones I was working out of in Indianapolis.
With the renewal of popularity of crochet in the last few years, and its ever constant popularity in Poland, I thought I’d give it a try for road work.
So, I’ve been picking up some cotton yarn in some places —Walmart, Hobby Lobby and Michael’s. to be specific.
I don’t know how big it will be, but I can see this will be a long process as this isn’t a fast thing to do.
Here is what I’m doing. The granny squares will be scrappy, naturally, as the idea of making 100 identical ones is just too much, but I am, just like using a constant sashing, making the outer round the same color which hopefully will help provide cohesion to the afghan once finished.
I’ve not been feeling too great, so it has affected my productivity, but I hope to be able to get at least a few squares completely done (so far I have only 2 finished). The large cone of colorful yarn is the outer round - and will be on each of them. I picked it up at Walmart.
And because we’ve been in a lot of different places, I’ve seen that various Walmarts look like they carry the same colors all over the east.
The granny squares I’ve started in various stages of completion
So there you are. I have no idea how long such a project will take. The last time I made a crocheted project I was in college and had to make something for a class project. That was maybe 1982??
Maybe when I’m through with this, I’ll try amigorami…we’ll see.
It’s a good travel project, at least, when you don’t have access to a machine. I’m not into trying the little hexagons by hand (quilting). At least I don’t think I am.
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
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