Our Community Lost a Great One
The quilting community lost a classy quilter/teacher a few days ago - Donna Jordan. I don’t mention a lot of other people on this blog, because there aren’t a whole lot of other quilters that I’ve spent a lot of time on- especially ones I learn from. I do watch many these days, when I get a moment, but sometimes it is just sheer entertainment. Donna taught me quite a bit.
However, Donna was different.
She showed off her industrial machine and it gave me the idea to buy one for my quilting - at a fraction of the cost of the typical domestic. When most big name quilters on the internet are selling brand name machines, Donna was simply using her industrial and not trying to sell yet another machine. I appreciated that.
She also had free tutorials every week. I didn’t watch all of them, but I did make a couple of them AND I was inspired by others.
The one that I did which was a straight “using her tutorial” was my Diamond Trip which is part of my Upcycle Greens series and it did turn out fantastic.
Her husband did a wonderful tribute to her on the last video and it was indeed touching. It was obvious he loved her dearly. The video starts out as a typical tutorial, but doesn’t finish as that.
I never made it to their store, but Matt Jordan said that they would continue the channel, so I’m thankful for that. We need more quilting channels, especially by knowledgeable and charitable people like Donna. Imagine how much we’ve learned from her through the years!
This fabric is only $6.99/yard - Springs Creative
The surprise announcement to me was also a reminder of, once again, how fleeting life is. Donna was only 67, so not by any means, “old”, however one might define it.
As a Christian believer, it reminds me once again how important it is to know where you will spend eternity as this life is not all there is. We live with eternity in mind - but there is nothing quite like the unexpected death of someone to bring it home.
We are travelling right now, visiting churches, and telling about Poland. I’m trying to get some quilting in when I get a moment.
For the last few days we’ve been staying in one missionary apartment, so it’s been nice. I brought out the machine I borrowed from Rachael, my sis, and when we don’t have other obligations, I can sew. :)
Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey.
Have a great day wherever you are reading this.
Be sure to check out what my sis has for you in the store here!
Feel free to browse the site.